Within the past few years, the company has prepared EA reports for seismic surveys submitted to the National Energy Board (Gulf of St. Lawrence, Yukon, Northwest Territories/Beaufort Sea and Nunavut regions), the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (Gulf of St. Lawrence, Laurentian Channel, Newfoundland Grand Banks, Orphan Basin and Labrador Shelf) and the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (Scotian Shelf, Sydney Bight and Laurentian Channel).
The firm has worked on many fisheries-related projects involving consultations, compensation planning, economic impact assessment, data collection, management and analysis, and claim assessment. These projects have included major marine ventures throughout Atlantic Canada and other areas, for such projects as Sable Offshore Energy Inc., Hibernia Management and Development Company (HMDC), Petro-Canada's Terra Nova offshore development, the Lower Churchill Hydro Electric Development Environmental Assessment, the PEI Confederation Bridge, Statia Terminals in Nova Scotia, the Newfoundland Transshipment Terminal Project and the Voisey's Bay project. Other relevant clients include the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Public Works Canada, Exxon Mobil, ChevronTexaco, ConocoPhillips, GXTechnology, Hunt Oil, Talisman Energy, the Sable Offshore Energy Project, Voisey's Bay Nickel Company/INCO, the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica, the Canadian Centre for Marine Communications, the IAS Fish Harvesters National Steering Committee (Moncton Conference), the Newfoundland and Labrador Professional Fish Harvesters Board, China Offshore Oil Geophysical Corporation, Exxon/Mobil (as well as Exxon and Mobil), Western Geco (as well as Geco-Prakla and Western Geophysical Corporation), GSI, Veritas Geophysical Ltd., TGS-Nopec, Talisman Energy, Hunt Oil, Petro-Canada, Husky Oil, PanCanadian Petroleum, Marathon Canada, CNRL, Gulf Oil Canada, Marine Atlantic and the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers.
In the area of fisheries impact assessment and management, their work in Atlantic Canada has included the development of major fisheries impact mitigation and compensation programs, for the Hibernia and Newfoundland Transshipment Terminal (Newfoundland) the NB-PEI Confederation Bridge (New Brunswick and PEI), the Sable Offshore Energy Project (Nova Scotia), and for the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (Atlantic Canada-wide). They were also the Administrators of the Hibernia Program for the life of that plan (six years).
Canning & Pitt Associates is, or has been, a member of more than twenty Fisheries Liaison Committees for large marine projects in Atlantic Canada, and participated in more than 150 community or regional consultations with fishers. These consultations have involved representatives of most of the fishing organizations in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, as well as many in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. The two partners in the firm - Strat Canning and Robert Pitt - have appeared as expert witnesses for the Sable Offshore Environmental Project Joint Panel hearings, the Terra Nova Project Panel Hearings and for other fisheries impact / compensation matters in the Courts.
In the past few years the firm has prepared or participated in more than 40 seismic survey environmental assessment reports for the Canadian east-coast offshore areas, and worked on assessments and fisheries consultations in the eastern and western Canadian Arctic. Canning & Pitt Associates, has served as the Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board's Asingle point of contact@ between the fishing industry and seismic operators for the last five year, which includes responsibility for fisheries compensation planning and claim assessment.
Canning & Pitt Associates has also participated (with LGL Ltd.) in preparing the Environmental Assessment of Seismic Exploration on the Scotian Shelf (Class Screening) submitted to the Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board, the evaluation (for the House of Commons) of the Department of Fisheries NCARP program, the federal Task Force on Incomes and Adjustment in the Fisheries (two studies) and various other Royal Commission and task force reports. In 2002, the firm represented Hunt Oil Canada at the Cape Breton Review Commission hearings, and completed an independent Ministerial review for DFO of Snow (Queen) crab fisheries and the integrated management plan for Newfoundland Region. Recently, the firm has worked with WesternGeco on seismic program planning in the Mackenzie River and Delta areas of the Northwest Territories, with CNRL in Nunavut and GSI in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
The firm also has experience consulting with First Nations groups in Nova Scotia, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
The firm has undertaken such work as a fisheries economic/human use studies and research in support of the legal team representing Canada in its territorial dispute with France and for similar legal issues; support for Royal Commissions, Task Forces, government public consultations, and strategic assessments. a major study of the extent and value of manufacturing in the Newfoundland and Labrador for the Newfoundland Manufacturers' Association; economic and policy studies for the Task Force on Incomes and Adjustments in the Atlantic Fishery; heritage planning and development studies; marine economic resource mapping for the Environmental Studies Research Fund and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (Newfoundland Region); and have worked on both the Strategic Economic Plan and the Strategic Social Plan for the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Stratford Canning, B.Sc.F.
(University of New
Brunswick), D.T.R.P (Glasgow
University), partner (and president), has been a principal investigator for a large
of economic and planning studies since 1980, including policy studies, impact assessments,
development plans and analyses of local, regional and provincial development issues. During
the 1970s he worked for the Newfoundland government and later taught development studies
at Memorial University. He has been a professional consultant since 1980, acting as Project
Manager for numerous resource planning and environmental impact studies, and as principal
investigator for a wide variety of economic development projects in Newfoundland, Scotland
and elsewhere.
Since 1974, he has been involved in several major reports pertaining to the fisheries in Canada and Scotland, including the Story and Alexander Report (1974), the Levelton Report (1979) and (as co-author) a 1993 report on licensing, access and allocation policies for the Task Force on Incomes and Adjustment in the Atlantic Fisheries. Since 1980 he has been principal investigator for many fisheries studies including analysis of the Northern cod fishery (1980), a long-term aquaculture strategy (1989) for the Government of Newfoundland, and for a comprehensive assessment of the long-term impacts of the Hibernia oilfield development on the Newfoundland fishing industry, among many others.
Robert Pitt, B.A., B.Sc. (Memorial
University), M.A. (Queen's University at
Kingston) partner (and vice-president), has academic training in the physical and social
sciences and in the arts. He has extensive professional experience in impact assessment, research and analysis, public consultations, program design and project management and education. He has written more than a hundred articles for local, national and international
magazines, journals and books, for general audiences, business, government,
He has worked on more than 60 Atlantic / Arctic impact assessments and/or fisheries studies, and in such areas as fisheries impact assessment, impact management and mitigation, fisheries policy and resource utilization. In addition to his consulting work, he taught at Memorial University, was Managing Editor of the Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador, served as an Assistant Editor of The Newfoundland Quarterly, was the Chair of the Capital Coast (St. John's Metro Area) Regional Economic Development Board and is a Director and Chair of the Metro Business Opportunities Fund Corporation in St. John's.
Updated 2006