Canning & Pitt Associates, Inc.

Representative Projects

* NOTE - Project List out of date: Contact Canning & Pitt at for an up-to-date version. *

Projects conducted by Canning & Pitt Associates, Inc. (or its predecessor companies), as participants or prime consultants. Last updated July 2006

Environmental Assessment, Fisheries, Seismic Surveys and Major Marine Projects

Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Sydney Basin (with Jacques Whitford), consultations and fisheries assessment 2006.

Seismic Survey EAs and Single Point of Contact services, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, 2003 (various clients, confidential).

Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica, Petroleum Exploration and marine Life, Petroleum exploration workshop and public lecture, 2006.

GXTechnology, Beaufort Sea 2D Seismic Program, 2006-2007. Consultations and (with LGL Ltd.) environmental assessment and project description, 2006.

ExxonMobil Canada, Orphan Basin Controlled Source Electromagnetic (CSEM) Survey (with LGL Ltd.), fisheries assessment and consultations, 2006.

Husky Energy, Jeanne d'Arc Basin //Exploratory Drilling EA Update/ /(with LGL Ltd.), fisheries assessment and consultations, 2006.

Husky Energy, Jeanne d’Arc Basin 3D Seismic Survey EA Update (with LGL Ltd.), fisheries assessment and consultations, 2006.

Transport Canada/DFO, Environmental Risk Assessment of the South Coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, with Risk Management Research Institute (Canada) Inc. et al., 2006 (in progress).

Department of Innovation Trade and Rural Development (NL) /Marine Institute of Ireland, Newfoundland and Labrador – Ireland Seabed Mapping Consortium Analysis, 2006 (in progress).

Norsk Hydro, Jeanne d’Arc Basin, SDL 1040 Exploration Drilling EA (with Jacques Whitford Environment Ltd.), 2006.

Norsk Hydro, Jeanne d’Arc Basin, SDL 1040 Geohazard Survey (with Jacques Whitford Environment Ltd.), 2006.

ConocoPhillips Laurentian Channel Exploratory Drilling EA (with LGL Ltd.), consultations and fisheries assessment 2006 (in progress).

GSI, 2D Seismic Survey Offshore Labrador EA , 2006.

Hibernia Well Site/Geohazard Survey EA (with LGL Ltd.), fisheries industry and agency consultations, 2005

Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Newfoundland West Coast (with LGL), consultations and fisheries assessment 2005.

Petro-Canada, Terra Nova Well Site/Geohazard Survey EA (with LGL Ltd.), fisheries industry and agency consultations, 2005

Husky Energy Northern Jeanne d’Arc Basin 3D seismic/geohazard EA (with LGL Ltd.), fisheries assessment, 2005

ConocoPhillips Laurentian Channel 3D seismic EA (with LGL Ltd.), fisheries assessment 2005 (in progress).

ChevronTexaco / ExxonMobil Orphan Basin 3D seismic EA (Update) (with LGL Ltd.), 2005 (in progress)

GSI, 2D Seismic Survey Offshore Labrador EA (Update), 2005.

TGS-NOPEK, 2D Seismic Survey Offshore Labrador EA (Update), 2005.

ChevronTexaco / ExxonMobil Orphan Basin Exploratory Drilling EA (with LGL Ltd.), 2005.

Husky Energy, industry and agency consultations for planned Geohazard Survey, White Rose, 2004.

Husky Energy, fisheries issues assessment and planning, White Rose equipment tow-out, 2004.

ConocoPhillips Laurentian Channel 2D seismic EA (NS and Newfoundland) 2004.

GSI, Veritas/ChevronTexaco, ConnocoPhillips, Single Point of Contact services, Newfoundland, 2004.

Petro-Canada, industry and agency consultations for planned Vertical Seismic Profiling, Terra Nova, 2004.

Petro-Canada, industry and agency consultations for planned Geohazard Survey, Terra Nova, 2004.

ChevronTexaco / ExxonMobil Orphan Basin 3D seismic EA (with LGL Ltd.), 2004.

Canadian Centre for Marine Communications, Placentia Bay (Information Seaway) Project Economic Benefits Analysis, 2004/2005.

Newfoundland Transshipment Ltd., fisheries assessment, Placentia Bay, 2004.

GSI, 2D Seismic Survey EAs Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, 2004.

CAPP policy position support and research, 2004.

Seismic survey - fisheries liaison and mitigation planning, workshop and presentation to the BC Seafood Alliance 2004.

Husky Oil, industry and agency consultations for planned Vertical Seismic Profiling, White Rose EA Addendum, 2003.

EnCana, fisheries interactions and compensation issues, for exploration drilling project Scotian Shelf, 2003-2004.

Public Review of the British Columbia Offshore Oil And Gas Moratorium, presentation to the Royal Society of Canada Expert Panel (Science Review) on seismic surveys, 2003.

Seismic Survey EAs and Single Point of Contact services, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, 2003 (TGS-Nopec, GSI, GXTechnology, Canadian Superior and others).

EnCana, Consultations and fisheries interactions, for 3D surveys Scotian Shelf, 2003.

WesternGeco, TGS-Nopec, GSI, GXTechnology, marine mammal observation training for seismic surveys, 2003.

Hydro Quebec / GSI, seismic survey EA and consultations, Gulf of St. Lawrence (with Hamelin Associates), 2003.

GSI, Atlantic Canada, environmental assessment and consultations, 2002 - 2003 (for NEB).

GSI, Gulf of St. Lawrence - Laurentian Channel Seismic survey Program (December 2002), environmental assessment and consultations (for NEB and CNOPB), 2002.

Seismic operators, "Single Point of Contact" for all seismic / geotechnical programs in the Newfoundland sector, as required by CNOPB; managing commercial fisheries information, interactions, logistics for Newfoundland sector operations 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.

Various clients, fisheries compensation (gear damage) claim assessment and administration for Scotian Shelf and Newfoundland geophysical surveys 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003.

CNRL, Consultations and environmental assessment issues in Nunavut, 2002.

GSI, Environmental Assessments and Protection Plans for seismic survey, Scotian Shelf, Laurentian Channel and Newfoundland Grand Banks 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002.

ExxonMobil, Environmental Assessment / Fisheries Protection Plan; analysis of potential survey and fisheries interactions, Hibernia Area, geotechnical drilling program, 2001 and 2002.

TGS-NOPEC, Environmental Assessments / Fisheries Protection Plans for seismic surveys of the Scotian Shelf, Newfoundland Grand Banks and Labrador Shelf, 2001 and 2002.

WesternGeco, Mackenzie River and Mackenzie Delta seismic program Environmental Assessment reports (with Golder Associates), and community / agency consultations 2002.

Hunt Oil Canada Ltd, Cape Breton Review Commission hearings (seismic and exploration drilling impacts), 2002.

EnCana (PanCanadian Petroleum), Stonehouse seismic program EA (with JWEL), 2002.

WesternGeco, Gulf of Mexico seismic-fisheries, seismic-marine mammals interactions, 2001 B 2003.

Independent review of the management of the Newfoundland and Labrador snow crab fisheries, DFO, 2001/02.

Fisheries Gear and Vessel Damage Compensation Plan (Nova Scotia), Marathon Canada Ltd., 2001-2002.

Seismic Survey Operators / Canada-Newfoundland Offshore Petroleum Board, Single Point of Contact (Fisheries Industry - Petroleum Industry) for 1999, 2000 and 2001.

PanCanadian Petroleum, Environmental Assessment and Protection Plan for 2001 seismic survey, eastern Grand Banks, 2001.

Veritas Geophysical Ltd, Environmental Assessments and Protection Plans, seismic programs Scotian Shelf and Newfoundland, 2000, 2001.

WesternGeco, Scotian Shelf, Laurentian Channel, and Newfoundland Grand Banks seismic survey Environmental Assessments and Protection Plans, 2001.

Gulf Oil Canada, WesternGeco Laurentian Channel Survey Environmental Assessment and Protection Plan, 2001.

Petro-Canada, Sweet Bay seismic survey Environmental Assessment and Protection Plan, 2001.

Husky Oil / Fugro-Jacques Geophysical, analysis of potential survey and fisheries interactions for the Grand Banks White Rose Area, geotechnical drilling program, 2001.

Husky Oil, Gros Morne survey Environmental Assessment and Protection Plan, 2001.

Chevron / SGE Grand Banks geotechnical survey Fisheries Assessment, 2001.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Conception Bay (Newfoundland) commercial fisheries analysis, 2001.

Hunt Oil Canada Ltd., Environmental Assessment report (commercial fisheries) and publicconsultations, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, 2000 B 2001.

Statia Terminals, Nova Scotia, petroleum storage Environmental Impact Assessment (commercial fisheries), 2000 - 2001.

Geco-Prakla / Schlumberger, fishing industry issues 2000 seismic survey for PanCanadian on the Scotian Shelf, 2000.

Sable Offshore Energy Inc., Oil Spill Impact analysis (commercial fisheries), 2000.

Geco-Prakla / Schlumberger, seismic survey environmental assessment reports for Scotian Shelf and/or Grand Banks, 1998, 1999, 2000.

HMDC, Hibernia Platform Oil Spill Impact analysis (commercial fisheries), 1999-2000.

China Offshore Oil Geophysical Corporation/Western Geophysical, assessment of potential fisheries and seismic survey interactions on the Grand Banks for the 1999 survey season (June-October) 1999.

PCL/BARMAC Terra Nova FPSO Topsides Fabrication and Assembly Project, Lobster Fisheries Interference and Commercial Fisheries Compensation Gear and Vessel Damage Program, 1999.

Lower Churchill Hydro Electric Development, Environmental Assessment fisheries economics, 1998.

Gulf Resources Canada Limited, data analysis, potential fisheries and seismic survey interactions for the 1998 summer survey period, St. Pierre Region, 1998.

Mobil-Shell-Imperial Oil, Environmental Assessment of Seismic Exploration on the Scotian Shelf (Class Screening EA) fisheries use / mapping, with LGL Ltd, 1998.

Petro-Canada, Analysis of potential commercial fisheries interactions during ocean dumping trials off Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, 1998.

Mobil Oil Canada Ltd. fishing industry co-ordination of the 1998 seismic survey of the Scotian Shelf and Grand Banks, 1998.

Hibernia Management and Development Company, Ltd, Gear and Vessel Damage Compensation Program development, 1996-1998; offshore fisheries liaison, 1996 - 2000.

CanShip Ltd., Termpol Review Process: Commercial Fisheries Environment Scoping Study, Newfoundland Transshipment Terminal, Whiffen Head, Placentia Bay, 1997.

Voiseys Bay Nickel Company, Argentia Smelter-Refinery Project Environmental Impact Statement, commercial fisheries environment, 1997.

CAPP Unattributable Damage Compensation Policy, Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, 1997.

Fisheries assessment and analysis documents for Sakhalin oil field, Exxon, 1997.

Expert witnesses to the Joint Environmental Review Panel, Sable Offshore Energy Project, 1997.

CanShip Ltd., Termpol Review Process: Commercial Fisheries Environment Scoping Study, Newfoundland Transshipment Terminal, Whiffen Head, Placentia Bay, 1997.

Voiseys Bay Nickel Company, Argentia Smelter-Refinery Project Environmental Impact Statement, commercial fisheries environment, 1997.

Fisheries Resources Oil Spill Risk Assessment, Grand Banks and Placentia Bay, Petro-Canada Inc., 1997.

Fisheries Liaison Program (Whiffen Head and Placentia Bay), Newfoundland Transshipment Terminal Project, 1996/97.

Fisheries Liaison and Impact Management Program for the Port au Port Bay Seismic Program (October/November, 1996), Hunt Oil Ltd., 1996.

Strategic planning and document preparation for the Social Policy Advisory Committee, Newfoundland and Labrador, 1996/97.

Strategic Social Plan (Newfoundland and Labrador) public consultation document, for the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1996.

Commercial Fisheries Environmental Impact Assessment, Newfoundland Transshipment Terminal Project, Mobil, Chevron and Petro-Canada, 1996.

Voisey's Bay Project Area Commercial Fisheries Baseline and Analysis, Voisey's Bay Nickel Company, 1996.

Fisheries Loss-of-Access Compensation Program Development and Industry Liaison Management Plan, Sable Offshore Energy Project, 1996/97.

Strategic Plan for Organizing and Conducting Community- Based Coastal Resource Inventories in Newfoundland and Labrador, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 1996.

Pre-Budget Consultation Document for the Department of Finance, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1996.

Community Coastal Resources Inventory Handbook, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 1996.

Terra Nova Oil Field Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (Commercial Fisheries), Petro-Canada, 1995-96.

Terra Nova Oil Field Development Labour needs assessment, Petro-Canada, 1995.

Evaluation of the Canada-Newfoundland Farm Business Management Agreement, Agriculture Branch, Department of Fisheries, Food and Agriculture, 1995.

Fisheries economic impact assessment, Newfoundland west coast, Hunt Oil Company, 1995.

Seismic survey inter-industry co-ordination, public information, and strategic planning, for Talisman Energy Inc., 1995.

The Southern Shore Development Association, Colony of Avalon Heritage/Tourism Site Development Master Plan, 1995.

Department of Natural Resources, Crown Land Cottage Lot Market Study, 1995.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa, Evaluation of NCARP (with Gardner Pinfold Ltd.), 1994-1995.

Department of Environment, Peter's River Watershed Management Plan (1994-1995).

Newfoundland & Labrador Federation of Agriculture, development of a Human Resource Development Plan for the Agriproducts Sector, 1994.

John Cabot (1997) 500th Anniversary Corporation, planning for a major international conference on the marine fisheries environment, 1994.

Community Futures Association/Business Development Centres Association, survey and briefing/policy documents for presentation to the Task Force on Community Economic Development, 1994.

Town of Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove, Municipal Plan Review, 1994.

Premier's Office/Executive Council, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, strategic economic plan implementation report, 1993-1994.

IAS Fish Harvesters National Steering Committee, conference organization and report for the National Conference on Professionalization and Certification of Fishery Workers (Moncton), 1993.

Advocacy Coalition of Mental Health Agencies, the Newfoundland and Labrador Employers' Council and the Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour, access to employment for mental health consumers, 1993.

Atlantic Entrepreneurial Institute, preparation of report on Taxation, the Recession and Business Start Up within the Atlantic Provinces, 1993.

Report of the Committee to Investigate the Process of Reporting Sexual Misconduct by Physicians toward Patients, Newfoundland Medical Board, 1993.

Northumberland Strait Crossing Project, Fisheries Liaison Committee (PEI Fixed Link), consultation on loss-of-access compensation, 1993-.

Atlantic Entrepreneurial Institute, preparation of report on Competitiveness, Interprovincial Trade and Economic Union within the Atlantic Provinces, 1993.

Newfoundland Manufacturers' Association, survey and assessment of manufacturing in Newfoundland and Labrador, 1992-1993.

Task Force on Incomes and Adjustment in the Atlantic Fishery, analysis of the structure and value of fishing incomes, 1992-1993.

Task Force on Incomes and Adjustment in the Atlantic Fishery, analysis of existing policy and development of principles for licensing, access and allocation in the Atlantic fisheries, 1992-1993.

ESRF Sensitivity Atlas, Western Newfoundland environmental atlas, fisheries economic consultant, 1992-93.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada (Newfoundland Region), Placentia Bay environmental atlas, fisheries economic consultant, 1992-93.

Economic Planning Group, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Change & Challenge, strategic economic plan for the province, report preparation, 1992.

PASSB Ltd., Hibernia production platform topsides assembly and fabrication activities, assessment of the impact on the commercial fisheries environment, 1992.

Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, Cat Arm Hydroelectric Development, two-day workshop to determine future strategy for environmental effects monitoring of the development. Workshop organization, moderation and report, 1992.

Royal Commission of Enquiry into the Delivery of Programs and Services in Primary, Elementary and Secondary Education, 1991-1992.

Agricultural Federation of Newfoundland and Labrador, farm business management training needs assessment and survey, 1991-1992.

Great Northern Peninsula Community Futures (Nortip and Central), survey and assessment of the economic impact of the downturn in the fisheries and long-term economic development approach, 1991-1992.

Buchans Development Corporation, economic planning and preparation of major funding documents, 1991-.

Hibernia Management and Development Company, Ltd., Hibernia Project Fisheries Loss-of-Access Compensation Program, on-going program administration, 1991-.

Department of Forestry and Agriculture, Task Force on Agrifoods, consultation/report preparation, 1991.

Grampian Regional Council/Grampian Enterprise Ltd., fishing industry development strategy for the Grampian Region of Northeast Scotland, 1991.

Fisher Institute, accommodations feasibility study, 1991. BR>

Economic Planning Group/Advisory Council on the Economy, consultation paper on a provincial strategic economic plan, consultation/report preparation, 1991.

East Caithness District Council/Highlands and Islands Enterprise Ltd./Highland Regional Council, economic revitalization strategy for the Town of Wick in the Caithness region of Northern Scotland, 1991.<

Atlantic Entrepreneurial Institute, survey of small business in Atlantic Canada, 1991.

Newfoundland Offshore Development Constructors (NODECO), management planning for project and fishing vessel interactions, 1991.

Mobil Oil Canada Properties/BHP Petroleum (Canada) Inc./Labrador Mining + Exploration Co. Ltd./ Hunt Oil Company, overview of fisheries utilization activities in the Gulf Region of Newfoundland, 1991.

Hibernia Management and Development Company, Ltd., gear and vessel damage compensation program planning for the Hibernia Project, 1991.

Hibernia Management and Development Company, Ltd., Fisheries Code of Practice for the Hibernia Project, 1991.

Department of External Affairs / Department of Justice, Ottawa, study of historical fisheries utilization in southern Newfoundland for Canada's case in its territorial dispute with France, 1991.

Hibernia Management and Development Company, Ltd., Hibernia Project Fisheries Loss-of-Access Compensation Program development, 1990Ä1991.

Joint Mayors Council of Dunville, Freshwater, Jerseyside and Placentia, analysis of the impact of municipal amalgamation, 1990.

Newfoundland Offshore Development Constructors (NODECO), preparation of a Commercial Fisheries Environmental Protection Plan related to proposed GBS construction activities in Bull Arm, Trinity Bay, including a detailed analysis of potential impacts on the fisheries sector and recommended measures to mitigate or reduce negative impacts, 1990.

Newfoundland Teachers' Association 100th anniversary illustrated history, 1990.

Mobil Oil Canada Properties, description and assessment of potential interactions between GBS construction activities in Bull Arm, Trinity Bay and inshore fishing operations in the bottom of Trinity Bay over the five-year construction period, 1990.

Economic Council of Newfoundland and Labrador, education and training study, 1990.

Commission of Enquiry into the Sexual Abuse of Children (Winter Commission), 1990.

Rural Oil Impact Monitoring Agency (ROIMA), assessment of future management options and organizational strategy for co-ordinating oil-related community-based organizations in the Isthmus of Avalon region, 1990.

Marystown Shipyard Ltd., assessment of potential impacts on fishing activities in the Mortier Bay area from the proposed development of the Cowhead Fabrication Complex, 1990.

Newfoundland Offshore Development Constructors (NODECO), fisheries environment protection plan for Great Mosquito Cove area, Trinity Bay, 1990.

Town of Conception Bay South, analysis of the impact of municipal amalgamation, 1989-1990.

Newfoundland Light & Power Company, corporate history, 1989- 1990.

Town of Placentia, Placentia-Jerseyside amalgamation feasibility study, 1989.

Scottish Development Agency/Central Regional Council/Clackmannan District Council, economic development strategy for the Clackmannan region of Central Scotland, 1989.

Mackay Consultants, Scotland, review and assessment of the Atlantic Canada Plus Regional Suppliers Development Program and its application to the Highland Region of Scotland, 1989.

Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador, information systems study, 1989.

Highlands and Islands Development Board/Western Isles Integrated Council and the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, feasibility analysis for a new Visitor's Centre at Callanish, Isle of Lewis, in the Outer Hebrides, 1989.

Economic Recovery Commission, development of an organizational framework and implementation strategy for the Newfoundland Conservation Corps, 1989.

Department of Environment and Lands, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, provincial Geographical Information System study, 1989.

Department of Energy, Canada/Department of Energy Mines and Resources, Newfoundland, energy-efficient design series, 1989.

Petro Canada Inc, perspectives on fisheries and petroleum interactions in offshore Newfoundland 1980 to 1989, 1989.

Town of Carbonear/Department of Municipal and Provincial Affairs/Main Street Canada, downtown revitalization strategy, 1989.

Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Fisheries/Fisheries and Oceans, Canada (Newfoundland Region), long-term development strategy for the Newfoundland aquaculture sector, 1988-1989.

Department of Agriculture, Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, fur industry feed study, 1988-1989.

Town of Buchans, feasibility study for a proposed federal correctional institution, 1988.

Newfoundland Teacher's Association, Centennial Research Database, 1988.

Holyrood Pond Aquaculture Development, assessment of employment opportunities and regional economic impacts associated with a proposed 600 tonne salmon farming facility at Holyrood Pond, St. Mary's Bay, Newfoundland, 1988.

Heritage Canada Foundation, Main Street Canada Program, assessment and evaluation of Main Street Canada program activities in St. John's, 1988.

Fortune Bay Connaigre Region, recreational facility feasibility study, 1988.

Exploits Valley Tourism Association (EVTA), regional tourism strategy, 1988.

Economic Council of Newfoundland and Labrador, small and medium enterprise equity capital study, 1988.

Community Futures Program, overview of economic conditions, employment structure and development opportunities in the proposed North East Avalon Community Futures Area, 1988.

Petro Canada Inc., analysis of offshore commercial fishing activity on the Southern Grand Banks of Newfoundland and assessment of fishing operations in the vicinity of the Terra Nova oilfield, 1988.

Department of National Defense/DPA Consultants Ltd./Fenco Inc., NATO Labrador Low-Level Flying EIS, analysis of impacts on tourism and on commercial fishing activities in offshore Labrador, 1988.

Northeast Coast Sealers Co-Operative Society Ltd., study of harvesting, processing and marketing potential for Newfoundland seal resources, 1987.

Environment Canada/Canadian Coast Guard, analysis and description of inshore and nearshore fishing activities from Rencontre East to Cape Ray, to identify fishing areas most sensitive to oil spill impacts, 1987.

Energy Mines and Resources Canada/Department of Energy Canada, retrofit program, brochure writing, editing, 1987.

Town of Conception Bay South, analysis of the community's development potential and current growth trends in the local economy, and preparation of a five- year economic plan, 1986.

Newfoundland Royal Commission on Employment and Unemployment, comparative analysis of rural economic development strategies in Newfoundland and Scotland from 1965 to 1985, 1986.

Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Canada (Newfoundland Region), study to develop a long-term utilization strategy for Newfoundland's capelin resources, 1986.

Department of National Defence, assessment of potential impacts on the fishery arising from Long Range Radar construction activity in the Cartwright area of Labrador, 1986.

Grampian Regional Council, and Moray District Council and the Scottish Development Agency, assessment of tourism and fisheries development opportunities in the Moray region of Scotland, 1985.

Bay St. George Indian Economic Development Corporation, assessment of regional tourism markets, development opportunities and feasibility analysis of a proposed hotel/recreational complex, 1985.

Red Indian Lake Development Association, study of economic development opportunities in the Buchans region and formulation of a long-term regional development strategy, 1984-1986.

Dorset LEAD Planning Committee, regional tourism strategy for the Baie Verte Peninsula, 1984-1985.

Transport Canada, analysis of future demand for fishery-related transport services in major Newfoundland ports (Newfoundland Ports Study), 1984.

Exploits LEDA, identification and assessment of economic opportunities in the Exploits area, 1984.

Exploits Valley Development Association, assessment of the commercial feasibility of fish silage production in the Exploits region, 1984.

Department of Regional Industrial Expansion, analysis of existing fishing activities and future demand for fisheries infrastructure in Eastern Newfoundland in the 1990s, 1984.

Mobil Oil Canada Ltd., assessment of impacts on the Newfoundland way of life from the Hibernia oilfield for the Hibernia Environmental Impact Statement, 1984.

Department of Development, Newfoundland, fishing industry trends in the Placentia Bay area, analyzing future land use demand for fisheries-related infrastructure and industrial services in the region, Argentia Area Industrial Study, 1982.

East Coast Petroleum Operators Association, potential socio- economic effects on the Nova Scotia fishery from offshore petroleum development, 1982.

Mobil Oil Canada Ltd., assessment of economic impacts and potential interactions between offshore petroleum interests and the fisheries in southern and eastern Newfoundland for the Hibernia Environmental Impact Statement, 1980-1981.

East Coast Petroleum Operators Association, study of the potential socio-economic effects on the Newfoundland fishing industry from offshore petroleum development, including field studies of fisheries and oil interactions in Northeast Scotland, Shetland and Norway, 1980.

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